
Family Archives - Digitise and Preserve your Family's History for the Future
Family Archives - Digitise and Preserve your Family's History for the Future


Our Family Archive Service can accommodate the full range of historic material typically accumulated over a number of generations. These include photographs, letters, postcards, documents, videos, films, audio tapes, diaries, and scrapbooks. We catalogue the collection, convert the paper-based material into digital copies, make the digitised images available for sharing to named family members through a secure and personalised web site, and create preservation copies so that the collection is never lost.

A personalised archive is ideal for general family research, or as a birthday or Christmas gift for a relative, or to celebrate a large family occasion such as a wedding or anniversary. As each archive is unique, we would recommend that as much notice is given as possible if a specific completion date is required.

Prices vary according to the size of the archive and the types of material it contains. However we will provide a fixed quote following completion of an initial assessment so that all costs are clear prior to any work commencing.

To find out more about Max's Family Archives service please use the buttons below or call us on 0208 309 5445.


I have worked with Max Communications and the team for some years. In recent work with their Archivematica iteration in the College Archives and Corporate Records Unit, and other digital work required by varying cohorts in Imperial, Max Communications have been responsive, innovative and demonstrated great problem-solving abilities. The Max Communications team, from the top down, is approachable, friendly and keen to help.

An example is in their engagement for some major confidential scanning projects. The projects were discussed, scoped and agreed to a high standard of hand scanning. Benchmarking was agreed to our satisfaction when the project started, with a fast progress time for the work. They provided rapid access to files, including digitising out of sequence, e.g. one such turn around for hand scanning, editing and proofing a large file was within 3 hours. The digital delivery was by secure online transfer, and the hard disks and hard copy delivered securely by courier.

On a lighter note, digitisation of 1960s academic cine film was carried out promptly and to a high standard, such that it can be reshown at a major conference

--Anne Barrett | College Archivist & Corporate Records Manager | Imperial College London
Family Archives - Digitise and Preserve your Family's History for the Future
Family Archives - Digitise and Preserve your Family's History for the Future