
SOTERIA - Built on Archivematica
SOTERIA - Digital Preservation Software and Services built on Archivematica


Max's SOTERIA Digital preservation service is both flexible and feature-rich. It is powered by Archivematica by Artefactual Systems, a web-and-standards-based, open-source application designed to enable long-term access to trustworthy, authentic and reliable digital content and which facilitates easy cross-application communication with AtoM, Archivematica's sister product, used for access and retrieval of digitised assets. SOTERIA represents a secure, reliable and trustworthy solution to your organisation's digital preservation needs.

To find out more about Max's SOTERIA digital preservation software & services please use the buttons below or call us on 0208 309 5445.

Our Approach

  • Set up, configuration and deployment of the Archivematica software to enable digital preservation of digital assets. Typically we deploy a single instance of Archivematica for each organisation, division or department depending on the needs within the organisation. For example, in the case of Imperial College London the archives, library and Research Excellence Framework (REF) departments each have their own instance which sit under a single ICL SLA and data allowance. However for Fortnum & Mason there is a single instance for the entire company, as is also the case for Royal Society of Arts. Our contractual terms are sufficiently flexible to accommodate both without penalising either
  • Where the client wishes to produce the Archival Information Packages (AIPs) and Dissemination Information Packages (DIPs) themselves, we provide comprehensive training, coaching and user manuals. In some cases we operate a hybrid approach whereby the client digitally preserves some of the content and we step in to help if the workload increases to beyond manageable levels. Again we are sufficiently flexible to accommodate whatever suits our clients
  • Archivematica runs a series of microservices across the packages submitted for digital preservation
  • The DIPs can be automatically ingested into AtoM, Archivematica's sister product, which sits under our DRYAD service and SLAs. AtoM is primarily used for access and retrieval
  • The digitally preserved AIPs are stored securely in 3 locations: on our secure cloud servers and on two sets of LTO tapes, one of which is retained by our clients on their premises. The AIPs are also backed up on our local servers.
  • SOTERIA is a fully hosted and managed digital preservation service. We also test, implement and deploy all new version releases and upgrades on behalf of our clients
  • We provide an annual report detailing what has been digitally preserved and when. This report also includes a risk analysis for file format obsolescence and the mitigating actions that have been taken
  • Delivery of SOTERIA sits under our ISO9001, 27001, 14001 and Cyber Essentials Plus certifications.
  • Ongoing support is provided under a detailed SLA. This support includes access to a named Account Manager
  • We are committed to continuous improvement, especially as there is currently no single, perfect digital preservation solution. Our clients are very closely involved in ongoing development work which is always lead by their needs
  • We believe in an open, transparent approach and will never lock in our customers. Our contracts are collaborative and flexible and our clients will never pay any penalties to exit. This approach is clearly defined within the contract
  • We do not operate under a per user licence model. We believe in maximum access and the cost for one user is the same as for 50 (or more).


Archivematica is a web-and-standards-based, open-source application which allows your institution to preserve long-term access to trustworthy, authentic and reliable digital content.

  • Creates an AIP (Archival Information Package) from the material ingested.
  • Captures technical and preservation metadata in PREMIS in a METS file always saves the original files.
  • Normalises (migrates) to preservation-friendly file formats when desired / possible.
  • Combines automation with (optional) human intervention.


Cloud Server Security

DRYAD & SOTERIA are protected by our Cloud Server Security features as shown below.
  • ISO27001 for Information Security Systems
  • Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus
  • SSL and HTTPS Protection
  • Two-factor admin password authentication (backend)
  • SSH Key Protection
  • PHP & NGINX Security Protection
  • Cloud Panel Firewall Protection
  • DDOS Attack Protection
  • SQL Injection Protection

Architecture and Infrastructure

  • API LAYER: Web interface (NGINX)
  • APPLICATION LAYER: Archivematica Application Server (PHP, Python and Django)
  • Elastic Search
  • DATABASE LAYER: Archivematica Database

Data Backup and Redundancy

  • VIRTUAL DISK BACKUP: Archivematica, AtoM
  • CLOUD SERVER (PRODUCTION): Archivematica, AtoM, 1&1 IONOS
  • AIPs (Archival Information Packages)
  • CLOUD STORAGE / DIGITAL PRESERVATION: Choice of cloud storage suppliers


Max Communications and the RSA Archive have a successful, long standing working relationship. We have undertaken several digitisation projects together to scan our numerous large sized artworks, prints and diagrams. More recently we successfully migrated to Max’s archive management and digital preservation services, DRYAD and SOTERIA. I cannot fault either the consistent quality of the digitisation or the quality of professional service provided and would recommend, Max Communications, without reservation.

--Eve Watson | Head of Archive | The Royal Society of Arts
SOTERIA - Built on Archivematica
SOTERIA - Digital Preservation Software and Services built on Archivematica