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SOTERIA+: Next Generation Digital Preservation

Flexible, powerful, easy-to-use and cost effective, Soteria+ delivers the state-of-the-art digital preservation tool that busy archivists need

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SOTERIA: Digital Preservation Software & Services
'Query Builder' for Post Production Reporting and Tagging

Max Communication's own 'Query Builder' application makes tracking and tagging packages post-production an easily managed and straightforward process

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SOTERIA: Digital Preservation Software & Services
CALM to AtoM Migration

Max are skilled at migrating existing archives from Calm and other proprietary systems into AtoM.

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Soteria+: The modern tool that perfectly matches archivists’ requirements.

Soteria+: The modern tool that perfectly matches archivists’ requirements.

SOTERIA+ is the latest updated and improved iteration of Max’s fully hosted comprehensive, flexible and feature-rich digital preservation platform for archival collections. It combines the development innovation of Max with the Archivematica digital preservation system designed for standards-based, long-term access to digital material.

Explore Max's SOTERIA+ digital preservation software & services by clicking the boxes below.


Max Communications and the RSA Archive have a successful, long standing working relationship. We have undertaken several digitisation projects together to scan our numerous large sized artworks, prints and diagrams. More recently we successfully migrated to Max’s archive management and digital preservation services, DRYAD and SOTERIA. I cannot fault either the consistent quality of the digitisation or the quality of professional service provided and would recommend, Max Communications, without reservation.

--Eve Watson | Head of Archive | The Royal Society of Arts